Other News
GCBC 20th Anniversary - Employee Growth
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has grown from 5 to 170 employees! Over the last 20 years, GCBC’s commitment to our valued employees has provided prosperity for families across the United States.
GCBC 20th Anniversary - States
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has funded deals in over 48 states! Over the last 20 years, GCBC’s commitment to our valued client relationships has provided growth for businesses and prosperity for families from South Carolina to California, and almost everywhere in between!.
GCBC 20th Anniversary - Clients
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has funded over 5,000 clients!
IFA Appoints GCBC’s Meg Roberson to Advisory Board
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC), the Factoring, Accounts Receivable Finance and Asset-Based Lending Division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (GCB&T), is proud to announce that the International Factoring Association (IFA), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, has appointed GCBC’s Meg Roberson as a new Advisory Board member.
IFA Appoints GCBC’s Meg Roberson to Advisory Board
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC), the Factoring, Accounts Receivable Finance and Asset-Based Lending Division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (GCB&T), is proud to announce that the International Factoring Association (IFA), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, has appointed GCBC’s Meg Roberson as a new Advisory Board member.
Allow us to ‘Illustrate’ How GCBC Can Help Commercial Lenders Stress Less in 2015

Commercial Lenders: Need a New Year's Resolution? How about letting Gulf Coast Business Credit help you stress less?
Article Posted On: January 06, 2015
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Start the New Year with Referral Rewards and win a Yeti Cooler!

2015 was Gulf Coast Business Credit’s best year yet and we’d like to acknowledge those who’ve helped shape our business. Thanks for a great year!
We are looking to have an even better 2016 and GCBC needs your help to start the New Year with a bang. With our month-long Referral Rewards program, if you send us a prospect and that prospect becomes a client, we’ll send you a Yeti Hopper 30 cooler. You only need to refer us the deal before February 15th to qualify. As long the deal closes sometime in 2016, you’ll be ready for adventure with a new Yeti Hopper!
Article Posted On: January 04, 2016