Other News
GCBC 20th Anniversary - Employee Growth
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has grown from 5 to 170 employees! Over the last 20 years, GCBC’s commitment to our valued employees has provided prosperity for families across the United States.
GCBC 20th Anniversary - States
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has funded deals in over 48 states! Over the last 20 years, GCBC’s commitment to our valued client relationships has provided growth for businesses and prosperity for families from South Carolina to California, and almost everywhere in between!.
GCBC 20th Anniversary - Clients
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has funded over 5,000 clients!
IFA Appoints GCBC’s Meg Roberson to Advisory Board
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC), the Factoring, Accounts Receivable Finance and Asset-Based Lending Division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (GCB&T), is proud to announce that the International Factoring Association (IFA), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, has appointed GCBC’s Meg Roberson as a new Advisory Board member.
IFA Appoints GCBC’s Meg Roberson to Advisory Board
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC), the Factoring, Accounts Receivable Finance and Asset-Based Lending Division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (GCB&T), is proud to announce that the International Factoring Association (IFA), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, has appointed GCBC’s Meg Roberson as a new Advisory Board member.

Are you a freight or transportation company looking to factor your receivables? Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC)’s “Truck-tober Treats” was designed just for you!
GCBC has an entire division devoted to the specific needs of the transportation industry. EVERY Freight & Transportation Company that signs on as a new client with GCBC between October 27- 31st will get their first month's fees WAIVED.* In addition, the first 3 Transportation Companies to sign up will receive orange Yeti Coolers!*
Want your money fast? GCBC funds on approved invoices the same day they are received. Add no monthly minimums, no long-term contract and no application fee and you begin to see why GCBC has the best program going for carriers and brokers that are interested in accounts receivable financing.
To learn more, call 866-577-8867 and mention "Truck-tober Treats,” or fill out our Quick-Quote Form online and type in the promo code "treats"!
Please like GCBC on Facebook by clicking the following link and we will keep you up to date on current events: Gulf Coast Business Credit Facebook Page. Please connect with GCBC on LinkedIn by clicking the following link: Gulf Coast Business Credit LinkedIn Page.
* Offer good from October 27th through October 31st, 2014 for qualified applicants.
Article Posted On: October 23, 2014