Other News
GCBC 20th Anniversary - Employee Growth
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has grown from 5 to 170 employees! Over the last 20 years, GCBC’s commitment to our valued employees has provided prosperity for families across the United States.
GCBC 20th Anniversary - States
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has funded deals in over 48 states! Over the last 20 years, GCBC’s commitment to our valued client relationships has provided growth for businesses and prosperity for families from South Carolina to California, and almost everywhere in between!.
GCBC 20th Anniversary - Clients
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has funded over 5,000 clients!
IFA Appoints GCBC’s Meg Roberson to Advisory Board
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC), the Factoring, Accounts Receivable Finance and Asset-Based Lending Division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (GCB&T), is proud to announce that the International Factoring Association (IFA), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, has appointed GCBC’s Meg Roberson as a new Advisory Board member.
IFA Appoints GCBC’s Meg Roberson to Advisory Board
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC), the Factoring, Accounts Receivable Finance and Asset-Based Lending Division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (GCB&T), is proud to announce that the International Factoring Association (IFA), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, has appointed GCBC’s Meg Roberson as a new Advisory Board member.

The Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) Central Texas Chapter will host a “Hot Industry Panel” luncheon on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 in Austin, Texas from 11:30AM to 1:00PM. Gulf Coast Business Credit’s (“GCBC”) Meg Roberson, Chrissy Sphar, Celena DeFreitas and Zachary Daiber are scheduled to attend this event.
Join ACG Central Texas and the GCBC attendees for a candid conversation with three of the region's most respected industry experts, Matthew Crawford, Founding Managing Director of PTV Sciences, will speak on the Healthcare industry, Mitch Jacobson, Co-Director of the Austin Technology Incubator’s Clean Energy Portfolio, will focus on the Clean Technology industry and Joshua Baer, Executive Director of Capital Factory, will provide an update on the Technology industry. The panel will be moderated by Heather Ladage, Publisher of the Austin Business Journal.
Josh Baer will also provide a tour of The Capital Factory for attendees prior to the event at 10:30AM.
Registration for the event is $40 for ACG members and $65 for non-members at the door. The event will be held at Sullivan's Steakhouse, 300 Colorado in downtown Austin. Valet parking will be available for $4.
ACG has 56 chapters globally where Roberson, GCBC’s National Sales Manager, currently serves as president for the ACG Central Texas Chapter. These chapters bring dealmakers together to help achieve business and professional goals. If you are interested in learning more about ACG, please visit www.acg.org.
Article Posted On: March 17, 2014