Other News
GCBC 20th Anniversary - Employee Growth
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has grown from 5 to 170 employees! Over the last 20 years, GCBC’s commitment to our valued employees has provided prosperity for families across the United States.
GCBC 20th Anniversary - States
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has funded deals in over 48 states! Over the last 20 years, GCBC’s commitment to our valued client relationships has provided growth for businesses and prosperity for families from South Carolina to California, and almost everywhere in between!.
GCBC 20th Anniversary - Clients
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has funded over 5,000 clients!
IFA Appoints GCBC’s Meg Roberson to Advisory Board
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC), the Factoring, Accounts Receivable Finance and Asset-Based Lending Division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (GCB&T), is proud to announce that the International Factoring Association (IFA), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, has appointed GCBC’s Meg Roberson as a new Advisory Board member.
IFA Appoints GCBC’s Meg Roberson to Advisory Board
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC), the Factoring, Accounts Receivable Finance and Asset-Based Lending Division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (GCB&T), is proud to announce that the International Factoring Association (IFA), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, has appointed GCBC’s Meg Roberson as a new Advisory Board member.

Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC)’s Lauren Mead adds value to the team in her role as an Account Executive II.
With over 7 years of experience at GCBC, Mead manages companies with facility limits ranging from $100,000 to $3 million. The majority of the companies Mead manages are new to accounts receivable financing and consist of oilfield companies, trucking companies, international freight brokers, logistic companies and excavation companies.
While managing these accounts, Mead also serves an important role in providing support in setting up new clients and training new staff.
“I have seen Gulf Coast Business Credit grow tremendously since I started with this company just 7 years ago. I believe that Gulf Coast’s success has been achieved through excellent customer service provided by our operations staff. I look forward to another extraordinary year,” said Mead.
GCBC is a leading provider of working capital finance through the United States with production offices located in Colorado, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, and Louisiana. Lauren Mead is an Account Executive II located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. You can contact Lauren either by email: laurenmead@gulfbank.com or phone: 225-757-4430.
Please like GCBC on Facebook by clicking the following link and we will keep you up to date on current events: Gulf Coast Business Credit Facebook Page. Please connect with GCBC on LinkedIn by clicking the following link: Gulf Coast Business Credit LinkedIn Page.
Article Posted On: June 19, 2014