Other News
GCBC 20th Anniversary - Employee Growth
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has grown from 5 to 170 employees! Over the last 20 years, GCBC’s commitment to our valued employees has provided prosperity for families across the United States.
GCBC 20th Anniversary - States
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has funded deals in over 48 states! Over the last 20 years, GCBC’s commitment to our valued client relationships has provided growth for businesses and prosperity for families from South Carolina to California, and almost everywhere in between!.
GCBC 20th Anniversary - Clients
This year, GCBC celebrates its 20th anniversary, and we thought we'd take a moment to look back on some of our past accomplishments. Since the company was founded in 2000, GCBC has funded over 5,000 clients!
IFA Appoints GCBC’s Meg Roberson to Advisory Board
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC), the Factoring, Accounts Receivable Finance and Asset-Based Lending Division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (GCB&T), is proud to announce that the International Factoring Association (IFA), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, has appointed GCBC’s Meg Roberson as a new Advisory Board member.
IFA Appoints GCBC’s Meg Roberson to Advisory Board
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC), the Factoring, Accounts Receivable Finance and Asset-Based Lending Division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co. (GCB&T), is proud to announce that the International Factoring Association (IFA), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, has appointed GCBC’s Meg Roberson as a new Advisory Board member.

ACG Central Texas Chapter & EO Austin recently presented the 2014 ACG Growth Awards and the 2014 EO Rockstar Entrepreneur of the Year Award at a luncheon held on June 11, 2014 in Austin, Texas.
Gulf Coast Business Credit (GCBC) served as a Platinum Level sponsor for the awards luncheon. The luncheon featured keynote speaker Erik Qualman, providing attendees with a summarized version of his book Socialnomics. “Socialnomics” is a term Qualman coined explaining how social media transforms the way we live. Check out Qualman’s video on Socialnomics here.
ACG Central Texas announced the following winners:
· Revenues up to $25M - San Antonio: Lake Truck Lines
· Revenues up to $25M - Austin: The New Office
· Revenues between $25M-100M: AEPS (American Eagle Protective Services Corp.)
· Revenues greater than $100M: Forestar Group
EO Austin presented the Rockstar Entrepreneur of the Year Award to Dustin Wells, CEO of Headspring.
Gulf Coast Business Credit’s (“GCBC”) Meg Roberson currently serves as the President for the Association for Corporate Growth-Central Texas Chapter. Roberson is also the National Sales Manager for Gulf Coast Business Credit, the factoring division of Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co.
If you would like to learn more about the Association for Corporate Growth visit www.acg.org or the Central Texas Chapter at www.acg.org/centraltexas. If you would like to learn more about EO Austin please visit www.eoaccess.eonetwork.org/austin.
Full list of 2014 ACG Growth Award Honorees:
Revenues up to $25M - San Antonio
ATA Restaurant Holding Company, Lake Truck Lines,
Propel Financial Services
Revenues up to $25M - Austin
Clockwork Solutions, Consero Global, The New Office
Revenues between $25M-100M
AEPS, BuildASign.com, Pacific Shore Stones
Revenues greater than $100M
Forestar Group, HomeAway, Hospital Housekeeping Systems
To contact GCBC, please call 866-577-8867 or email gcbcinfo@gulfbank.com. Please like GCBC on Facebook by clicking the following link and we will keep you up to date on current events: Gulf Coast Business Credit Facebook Page. Please connect with GCBC on LinkedIn by clicking the following link: Gulf Coast Business Credit LinkedIn Page.
Article Posted On: September 03, 2014